SLSC Online Testing
SkillsUSA is excited to assist state associations in the execution of their State Leadership and Skills Conferences! Using SkillsUSA's secure online testing system, state directors can assess the knowledge of their student competitors with vetted content within a secure online delivery platform. Tests have been provided by industry experts and vetted by SkillsUSA.
Commit to The System
To receive support, State Associations must sign up to be supported. By signing up, you are aware of the pricing outlined below and agree to pay upon the completion of your State Leadership and Skills Conference.
<500 Test Takers: $450
>501 Test Takers: $750
If your state association wishes to receive support, please complete the form below by Friday, Dec. 2. Failure to complete the form by this deadline may affect the support dates for your state association.
Testing Resources
The below resources have been provided to assist you in committing to support and to the implementation of the online testing service into your State Leadership and Skills Conference Planning.